Thank you so much my Kae :)
Awesome version here <3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sweetsexycrazy/27273141663/in/dateposted/
Awesome version here <3: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sweetsexycrazy/27273141663/in/dateposted/
Hair: Modulus - Warren NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Jeans: [Deadwool] Worn out jeans - tumbled wash InWorld
Jeans: [Deadwool] Worn out jeans - tumbled wash InWorld
Side Kaelyn
Hanging Flower pot: dust bunny . hanging flower pot .
Hanging pot: DRD Gardenhouse hanging fowerpot
Bed: Bazar - Stockholm-Bed InWorld
Pillow: -tb- Spring Living - Pillow (Paris)
Pillow: -tb- Spring Living - Pillow (Bee)
Travel Journal: {vespertine}tiny dwelling -travel journal 8
Preludio: *ionic* preludio
-tb- Bon Voyage - Stacked Treasures RARE
Flip Flops: dust bunny . flip flops
Radio: -tb- Spring Living - Radio (Beige)
Clothe on floor: Sway's [Neal] Clothes on floor
Cat: (fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled
Open Suitcase: -tb- Bon Voyage - Open Suitcase
Potted wall Tree: Bazar -Crete-Potted wall tree (right) NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Door: Bazar - Crete-Door decoration NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Basket: ::KKs:: pure vintage - basket filled
Cat;Mutresse-Let me in-Witty Cats
Neon Sign; Apt B // Daydreamer Dream Neon
Lace Flying: ::KKs:: pure vintage ribbon lace flying (uncommon) NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Hanging pot: DRD Gardenhouse hanging fowerpot
Bed: Bazar - Stockholm-Bed InWorld
Pillow: -tb- Spring Living - Pillow (Paris)
Pillow: -tb- Spring Living - Pillow (Bee)
Travel Journal: {vespertine}tiny dwelling -travel journal 8
Preludio: *ionic* preludio
-tb- Bon Voyage - Stacked Treasures RARE
Flip Flops: dust bunny . flip flops
Radio: -tb- Spring Living - Radio (Beige)
Clothe on floor: Sway's [Neal] Clothes on floor
Cat: (fd) Cat - 02 Sleeping Curled
Open Suitcase: -tb- Bon Voyage - Open Suitcase
Potted wall Tree: Bazar -Crete-Potted wall tree (right) NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Door: Bazar - Crete-Door decoration NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Basket: ::KKs:: pure vintage - basket filled
Cat;Mutresse-Let me in-Witty Cats
Neon Sign; Apt B // Daydreamer Dream Neon
Lace Flying: ::KKs:: pure vintage ribbon lace flying (uncommon) NEW ( Shiny Shabby June) InWorld
Side Jay
Now Serving: 7 - Now Serving 2 NEW InWorld
Revolution Sign: BackBone Revolution Sign NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Speaker:[Bad Unicorn] 'Red' Lay-zee Gamer Speaker NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Bed: 8f8 - Indoor DIY Spring BED - NATURAL InWorld
Mp3 player dock speaker: Toro. Mp3 player Dock Speaker NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Chair:[Commoner] Suspender Chair / Damask InWorld
Bassman suitcase: --ANHELO-M14MD-163GA :: bassman suitcase InWorld
Dog: [Black Bantam] Shar Pei Puppy Wheat Male NEW (Kustom9 June) InWorld
Camera: =EliBaily= Lomo Camera L = Black RARE InWorld
Fan: Toro. Tribeca Fan NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Cart with record red: Soy. Anywhere cart with records InWorld
Piano: 7 - Piano PE-9A 1946 InWorld
Now Serving: 7 - Now Serving 2 NEW InWorld
Revolution Sign: BackBone Revolution Sign NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Speaker:[Bad Unicorn] 'Red' Lay-zee Gamer Speaker NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Bed: 8f8 - Indoor DIY Spring BED - NATURAL InWorld
Mp3 player dock speaker: Toro. Mp3 player Dock Speaker NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Chair:[Commoner] Suspender Chair / Damask InWorld
Bassman suitcase: --ANHELO-M14MD-163GA :: bassman suitcase InWorld
Dog: [Black Bantam] Shar Pei Puppy Wheat Male NEW (Kustom9 June) InWorld
Camera: =EliBaily= Lomo Camera L = Black RARE InWorld
Fan: Toro. Tribeca Fan NEW (TMD June) InWorld
Cart with record red: Soy. Anywhere cart with records InWorld
Piano: 7 - Piano PE-9A 1946 InWorld